Our ancient ancestors were a lot smarter, and they understood a lot more about the universe and how it works than we consciously give them credit for. They were great observers and recorders who learned to read, write and interpret the natural, repetitive patterns of the universe.
They turned their knowledge and wisdom about these patterns into signs and symbols and hid this divine wisdom in plain sight. They were able to hide this divine wisdom in plain sight by injecting it directly into the languages that we speak in the form of message encryption, also commonly referred to as a "CIPHER".
Astrology is an encoded symbolic interpretation (language) of that deep understanding of the universe and how it works. A theme commonly found throughout the creation narrative of human civilization is that our ancestors understood how to communicate cryptically amongst themselves. Original ancestral descendants of Abrahamic genealogy have been passing along this wisdom and knowledge through time to their future generations of descendants using the sacred symbols hidden into stories and myths.
These allegorical and metaphorical mystical tales from past civilizations are utilized as clues. These clues act as a means (cipher key) of deciphering the hidden messages. These messages help unlock and reveal a deeper understanding of our existence in the universe. This is the "Great Divine Secret" being referred to in all of the esoteric literature pertaining to this cipher and its hidden wisdom.
If you pay close attention to the symbols hidden within the world around you, you will begin to notice a common theme in the patterns of those symbols. Our ancestors are speaking to us through time via the coded messages (meanings) hidden behind the interpretation of the symbols of today.
Through the assistance of storytelling via mythology, theology, philosophy, and religion our ancestors left us literary clues for us to seek out and find in order to uncover the deeper meaning of life that we all share the desire to know and understand. These symbols and their secret messages are hiding all around us. Anyone with common sense is capable of deciphering these messages. All of the hidden wisdom revealed is based on the natural, observable patterns of the universe. You just have to know where to look and what to look for.
These symbols and their hidden messages create an elaborate message encryption system known as a "cipher". This cipher is contained within all of the languages that we speak in the form of "spells." That is why when we arrange letters(symbols) in formation with one another to form words we refer to it as "spelling". Rearranging these letters to create new words (anagrams) are a common attribute of the basic functions of this cipher's decryption methods. We will get more in depth about spelling and spell casting in the occult witchcraft section of this website.
This 'language cipher' has been able to transcend time since the human civilizations sprang into existence. Knowledge about this cipher has been hidden and passed down to the descendants of the original Abrahamic bloodlines. This download of information has been transpiring throughout every single civilization in human history.
In cryptography a cipher is an algorithm for performing encryption or decryption. A series of well-defined steps that can be followed as a procedure. "Cipher" is synonymous with "code", as they are both a set of steps that encrypt a message; however, the concepts are distinct in cryptography. Codes generally substitute different length strings of character in the output, while ciphers generally substitute the same number of characters as are input.
When using a cipher the original information is known as 'plaintext', and the encrypted form as 'ciphertext'. The ciphertext message contains all the information of the plaintext message but is not in a format readable by a human or computer without the proper mechanism to decrypt it.
Simple Ciphers – Historical pen and paper ciphers used in the past are sometimes known as "classical ciphers". They include simple substitution ciphers (such as ROT13) and transposition ciphers (such as Rail Fence Cipher).
Polyalphabetic Substitution Cipher – is any cipher based on substitution, using multiple substitution alphabets. The Vigenere cipher is probably the best -known example of a polyalphabetic cipher, though it is a simplified special case. The Enigma machine is more complex but is still fundamentally a polyalphabetic substitution cipher.
This cipher hides the truth about human history. What is the truth about human history? The true is that has been set-up to operate on a loop. The expression "history repeats itself" is more than just a metaphor. What do I mean? I mean that society is structured to operate the same way. The same religious, government and economic systems of the old days have been relabeled using this cipher and presented to modern society under the guise of a new language. (who, what, where, when, why?)
The rules that make up the encryption for this ancient cipher are simple. This is layered encryption. In order to layer the encryption, the creator(s) of the cipher built the rules that define the encryption directly into the languages that we speak. What do I mean? I mean, That the rules that define how this encryption is deciphered are based on the rules of grammar (Acronyms, Anagrams, Palindromes, etc.) that define our language. These grammatical rules are working in coordination with the phonetic pronunciation of different combinations of sounds and syllables ("Ph = F"; "Au = O"; "C = See") to create an elaborate veil of hidden secrets.
This cipher is the key to unlocking all of the hidden mysteries of the universe. All of the information you need to in order to be able to completely understand the universe and everything in it are contained within the knowledge and wisdom of this website. It is your job to seek out wisdom. It is your job to know the truth!
If you so choose your quest to know the truth begins now. I challenge you to set your beliefs aside and take your first step down the path of gnosis. May science be your tool of discernment. May your sound mind and sure judgement be your shield from deception. Everything in the universe can be scientifically confirmed, including God. Use the physics of God's natural laws to seek out and find your creator. Stay away from people who tell you that you can't understand divine things.
Be sure to read all of the information on this website. I have hidden passwords into the web pages. You will need to unlock the passwords to gain access to the next tier of information.
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